Accessing Your Theta Brain Waves

what are theta brain waves

Why would anyone want to access their theta brain waves

That is a very good question, one that we have looked into extensively. 

Our complex, intricate and little understood brain holds a wealth of information that is largely inaccessible to our conscious state of mind.

There are pathways of communication, as it were, that can help us tap into this store house and harness some of its benefits. 

Theta waves can help individuals improve things like memory and learning. 

Certain activities can help you increase your theta wave activity in a healthy way. 

How does it work and how can you make it work for you?



Brain waves are nothing new, scientists and doctors have long used and studied our wave patterns. 

Theta waves are low frequency waves that are associated with deep relaxation, drowsiness and sleep. 

Why would you want to increase the amount of theta you already have? 

Simply because it can reduce stress and improve things like: learning ability, creativity and emotional connectedness. 

As has been previously noted, all four of the main brain wave frequencies are necessary in a healthy, functioning brain. 

However, there are some advantages to increasing your theta.  Here are a few of the well documented findings to an increase of theta brain wave activity.

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The Power of Theta Brain Waves

Theta Brain Waves

The power of theta brain waves can be channeled in a way that brings lasting benefits. 

Increased memory, less stress and a better capacity for learning are all ways that theta waves can improve our lives.  Before we can explain what the power of these waves is, its best to begin with what they actually are. 

Once a foundation is laid, it will be easier to understand what these brain waves can do and how you can use them to improve your health and well-being.  So, what are they?

Theta brain waves are one of 4 wave frequencies found in a healthy individual.  Alpha, beta and delta make up the other three. 

Delta is the slowest wave form and theta follows right behind.  No one wave is better than another and all are needed for proper function and development. 

Normally, theta will appear or is associated with extreme relaxation, sleep or drowsiness.  These slow, high amplitude waves appear during activities such as meditation. 

Generally, one feels a sense of peace and calm when the brain kicks into theta gear.  All four of these waves can be read on an EEG and have been studied for many years. 

What is it then that makes the theta wave one of interest?  What can the power of these waves do for you?

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