How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain (Video)
Read next: 1. What Foods Are Good For the Brain? 2. Superbrain [Improve Your Memory in 30 Days] 3. How Does Music Affect the Brain? 4. How to Make Your Brain More Efficient
Read next: 1. What Foods Are Good For the Brain? 2. Superbrain [Improve Your Memory in 30 Days] 3. How Does Music Affect the Brain? 4. How to Make Your Brain More Efficient
“You are what you eat.” This one phrase which describes the idea of what a person eats being linked to the health they experience has been around since 1826. It was originally suggested by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. It is an idea that was expanded upon in the 1920s by a nutritionist named Victor Lindlahr.He believed that … Read more