Water in the Bible has the power to give life or take it away.
When we first encounter this truth, God is laying waste to the planet with the Great Flood.
Then we see baptism in the New Testament becoming a “contract” that indicates a personal belief in God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings,” says Hebrews 10:22, “having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”
The Bible also uses the regeneration imagery of water to discuss the concept of salvation. “With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation,” says Isaiah 12:3.
Then there is Jesus’ response to the woman at the well in John 4. “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, then you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”
If you consistently dream of water while asleep, then these are the Biblical meanings that could be behind your experience.
List of the Biblical Interpretations of Water in Dreams
Dreams were an essential medium to convey information to people in the Bible.
It is also a sign of the end times, according to Acts 2:17.
“In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”
No one but God the Father knows the time when the promised return will happen.
It is said that it will be like a “thief in the night.”
Until we reach that time, the Biblical meaning of our dreams can provide us with useful information about who we are or what we can accomplish.
If you keep dreaming about water, then these are the potential interpretations of your experience.
1. You only dream about water from a generalized perspective.
Any dreams about water can be an indication of the emotions you experience during your waking hours.
If it is hot, cold, dirty, clean, deep, or shallow, then these issues reflect your mental state at the time you went to bed.
If you are angry with someone, then you might dream about hot water.
When you feel alone or isolated in life, then it might be cold water that you experience.
When you feel guilty about unrepentant sin, then dirty water might appear in your dreams frequently.
Clean water is a reflection of purity, renewal, or forgiveness.
Being showered with clean water in a dream is a powerful message that can represent the regeneration of the spirit.
One of the best ways to determine what your dream might be about is to keep a journal for about three weeks after the first one you experience.
Then you can read through your thoughts and expressions to see how you are feeling.
Then you can see if the imagery in your dreams matches your emotional state.
2. Your dreams involve calm and clear water.
If you dream about being on a lake or the ocean when the waters are clear and calm, then this is an indication that you’re experiencing inner peace.
It is a state of absolute happiness.
Even if you experience problems in your life, the drama isn’t going to overwhelm you if this dream is a consistent experience.
It is a message that says you can solve whatever issues are going to come your way.
Psalm 107 describes the work of God by saying that “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.”
Calm waters are an indication that God’s love is in your life, and that presence is something that will endure forever.
3. You dream about being underwater or drowning.
If you find yourself trapped in water during your dream, then this message says that you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions.
It can also indicate that you’re suppressing how you feel around others or yourself because this outlet is the only place your mind has to express itself freely.
Some people dream about drowning because they have a fear of water.
This imagery can also appear when God is knocking on your heart’s door about something specific, and you’re refusing to answer that call.
God has a unique way to gain a person’s attention when He wants you to start listening.
He had Jonah spend time in the belly of a whale. He also had Ezekiel baking bread over human waste and Jeremiah smashing jars.
A dream about being underwater could be another compelling way to get your attention.
Whether anyone can audibly hear God is up for debate.
When someone says that they are following His will, it is usually through an emotional or instinctual feeling.
If you’ve been ignoring this feeling, then you might also be having this dream.
4. Your dreams about water involve breathing underwater.
We know that humans can’t breathe underwater.
Trying to suck in some air while your face is underwater puts fluid into your lungs.
When God announces in Genesis 6 that the flood is going to happen, He says, “Behold I, even I am bringing the flood of water upon the Earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life. From under heaven, everything that is on the Earth shall perish.”
If you are breathing right now, then you have the breath of God in your nostrils.
When your dreams give you an opportunity to breathe underwater, then you’re experiencing something unique to the human experience.
It can mean that God is telling you that you’re ready for the next stage of your spiritual journey.
The Christian Church is the hands and feet of His message today, which means your work is essential to the Kingdom.
Is there an opportunity that you’re considering right now?
Are you wondering if it is time to take on new responsibilities?
Then seeing this dream can be a message that confirms you are in a spiritual place where you’re ready to take the plunge.
5. You dream about being trapped in deep water.
Deep waters are far from the safety of the shore.
If your dreams have you stuck in this location, then it can indicate that your spirit and God are far apart right now for some reason.
Dreams like this one are a cautionary tale for the future.
The ocean’s riptides in deep water can carry you even further away from safety.
Even the strongest swimmers don’t always survive when they get trapped in those circumstances.
This dream can also mean that challenges are going to be coming your way shortly.
It can be a message that says not to make choices in haste.
When you swim with a riptide instead of fighting against it, then you won’t lose as much energy.
Then you can make it back to the safety of the shore when it finally releases you.
The same results happen with the challenges that occur in life.
“Do not be anxious about anything,” says Philippians 4:6, “but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
When we use prayer as a method of comfort, then it is possible to find peace – even if you feel trapped in the deep water.
6. Your dreams involve boiling water.
You might see the oceans start to boil in your dream.
The imagery might involve working in the kitchen with a pot that’s consistently on.
This dream is an extreme version of the hot water ideology that’s associated with Biblical interpretations.
It suggests that the anger in your life is so profound that you’ve lost control of it.
If the dream is a reflection of your emotional state, then it can be an indication that you want to seek revenge.
It can also be a feeling that you have when you suspect someone else is angry with you for some reason.
God gets angry, but He does not generally express this dissatisfaction through dreams.
His communication is through the Spirit, and it feels like something closer to disappointment.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,” says Proverbs 3, “and do not lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your path.”
7. You dream about seeing or being in a tsunami.
A tsunami is the most devasting natural event that water creates on our planet today.
A significant tidal wave can take hundreds of thousands of lives in minutes.
You might see the tsunami approaching the shore in your dream.
Some people dream that they get trapped on a boat as the wave comes across them.
Water, in these circumstances, is a reflection of emotions and feelings.
It is an indication that life is starting to spiral out of control.
This dream is ubiquitous, but it can be scary when it happens.
Most people experience them during the times in life when reaching a crossroads.
Pressure and stress are common triggers that lead to this imagery.
“When the cares of my heart are many,” says Psalm 94:19, “your consolations cheer my soul.”
When you have a burden that weighs heavily on your soul, asking God for help can be a way to ease the stress you experience in life.
Although we must accept that hardships will happen in life, giving all of those hard moments to God can help us to feel strong once again.
8. Your dreams about water involve rivers, streams, waterfalls, or rapids.
When you have dreams about moving water, then it is a signal that there is anxiety or uncertainty in your life.
If you recently had this dream, then there is likely a situation present in your life that fills you with negative emotions.
Turning to God can help you to identify the issue if you’re not sure about what’s going on so that you can start to find relief.
Some dreams that involve moving water represent a transition to a peaceful existence.
How you feel during your dream will determine the interpretation to pursue.
“I sought the Lord,” says Psalm 34:4, “and He answered me. He delivered me from all of my fears.”
What Do Your Dreams of Water Mean?
Having a dream about water can indicate good moments are about to happen in life.
It can also be an indication that new challenges are going to make themselves known shortly.
Some dreams about water are the mind’s way of recalling a favorite memory at a beach, lake, or stream.
“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them,” Jesus said in John 7 during the last and most significant day of the feast.
The Biblical meaning of water in dreams can provide a powerful message that you can apply in the waking world.
Use these interpretations with your study of Scripture to see what God might be trying to say to you through this imagery.
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