Worst Jobs For a Highly Sensitive Person [Careers That May Drain You]

worst jobs for a highly sensitive person

As a highly sensitive person (HSP), choosing the right career path is crucial for your overall well-being and happiness. The workplace can be a minefield of overwhelming stimuli, emotional demands, and high-pressure situations that can leave you feeling drained and unfulfilled. However, by understanding the unique challenges HSPs face, you can make informed decisions that … Read more

Essential Oils For Grounding [Embrace Inner Peace]

essential oils for grounding

Do you know that feeling when your to-do list stretches on forever and your brain feels like a hamster on a wheel? Been there, done that! But guess what? There’s a secret weapon hiding in your local health store (or maybe even your grandma’s cabinet) that can help you ditch the scattered feeling and find … Read more

Grounding Herbs [Cultivate Inner Calm & Clarity]

grounding herbs to help you be more grounded

Top Grounding Herbs Discover Nature’s Stress Relievers Lavender One deep inhale of lavender’s sweet and floral fragrance begins working its magic – your shoulders relax, your breath slows, and calm washes over you. Beyond its aromatic gifts, lavender also imparts its mellowing effects when sipped as a soothing tea or added to bathwater. Compounds like … Read more

Dubslabs Bedphones [Wired & Wireless Sleep Headphones]

dubslabs bedphones wireless sleep headphones

Getting quality sleep can be a challenge with the constant noises of the modern world. For some, even silence itself can make falling asleep difficult. DubsLabs offers a potential solution with their Bedphones – headphones built specifically for comfortable sleeping audio. These on-ear headphones let you relax to music or podcasts without disturbing your sleeping … Read more

Grounding Foods for Empaths [Finding Calm & Balance on Your Plate]

grounding foods for empaths

Grounding foods like root vegetables, beans, lentils, oats and broths provide comfort, nourishment and stabilization. Their hearty textures, warm temperatures and rich flavors impart a sense of calm and balance. Eating these soothing, earthy foods regularly helps steady mood, reduce anxiety, increase focus and build emotional resilience over time. Feeling scattered, anxious, or overwhelmed? You’re … Read more

Grounding Shoes For Women & Men [Connecting to the Earth’s Healing Energy]

Check out these grounding shoes for women and men offered by Rhizal, Groundz and Earth Runners.

Have you ever wondered if simply slipping on a pair of shoes could reduce inflammation, improve your sleep, or enhance your athletic performance? Grounding shoes promise to do just that by connecting your body to the natural healing frequencies of the earth. In this article, we’ll look at how companies creating such shoes design their … Read more

The Raikov Effect [What Is It & Will It Work For You?]

the raikov effect method course

The Raikov Effect is a method based on the concepts of Deep Trance Identification and the research of Dr. Vladimir Raikov. This course shows you how to follow the necessary steps that can help you become more focused, creative, or centered. It teaches how to unleash the maximum possibilities of your current and future self. … Read more

This New Year 2024 Will Be Your Best One Yet With These 10 Simple Tips

Here are several tips that can help you make the new year a better year

The new year offers a fresh start and opens the door to endless possibilities. Rather than making lofty resolutions that quickly fall by the wayside, set yourself up for success in 2024 with these 10 practical and proven tips. 1. Set Meaningful Goals Transform dreams into reality by setting specific, measurable goals that align with … Read more

Keep Calm & Carry On This Holiday Season [10 Tips for Sanity]

how not to get crazy this holiday season

The holiday season is notorious for sending even the most sensible people into a tailspin of stress. Between endless shopping lists, stacks of baking to-dos, a jam-packed social calendar, and the pressure to pull off the perfect Hallmark-worthy celebrations, you’re probably wondering if making it to January with your mental health intact is even possible! … Read more

Raikov Effect: Free PDF Guides, MP3 & Video [Download Today]


Would chatting with a personal hero help you find more inspiration? If you could understand the secrets behind common body language signals, would that change how you communicate with others? Would you become more confident if you acted as if you were more confident every day? With the Raikov Effect, many are finding that there … Read more

Reiki Books [19 Must Read Resources Updated For 2023]

best reiki books

Energetic healing techniques, or systems for intuitive healing, exist within a vast number of cultural backgrounds and spiritual philosophies. Reiki is one such system; it originated in Japan and has grown in popularity globally in recent years. It is founded on the notion that a Reiki therapist or experienced practitioner can direct healing energy into … Read more

Tantra Books [19 Must Read Resources Updated For 2023]

best books on tantra

​Tantra is a pathway, not just to sexual ecstasy but to personal healing and fulfillment. Andrew Barnes Most of us have heard of Tantra, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we know exactly what it is. Western misconceptions have taken a few of the concepts and practices from this powerful spiritual tradition and promoted it as … Read more

How to Live a Simple Life and be Happy [8 Simple Living Tips]


When most people think of a simple, happy life, they may picture retirement in the future or living a simple life in the country. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to conceive of a calm life of simplicity while in the midst of holding a career, raising a family, and navigating daily complexities in our modern … Read more

Memento Vivere [Remember to Live; Your Time is Limited]


Memento Vivere simply means “Remember to Live.” Such a simple phrase, but such an important one. How many of us actually stop to take breaks and sleep properly and eat until we’re full? When was the last time you really just went out with your loved ones for fun or took a day for yourself, … Read more

Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori. [Time Flies. Remember Death.]


Though you may not be familiar with their Latin phrases, the concepts of tempus fugit and memento mori are ingrained in our human experience. In fact, we even have cliché phrases to express such phenomenon: These feelings and principles are uniquely human, and perhaps hard-wired into our conscious and subconscious thinking to remind us that … Read more

How to Live Your Best Life Without Losing It [Monika’s Story]


Monika Clearwaters woke to the trill of her phone. She groaned, her eyes still squeezed shut, as she tried to recall what that bell could possibly mean. She gained consciousness and realized this was not the first time she’d been notified of the outside world. Even as she lay there trying to ignore the first … Read more

What Is Important in Life [How Mae Found Joy in Her Life Again]


The timer on her phone rang, letting Mae know that her lunch break was done. She rolled her eyes, silenced it, and turned back to her sandwich. Getting back to her desk could wait. She looked up towards the sky where clouds were darkening with rain above the courtyard where she had chosen to take … Read more

Short & Valuable Life Lessons That You Should Listen to [Video]

lessons learned in life

You may also be interested in: 1. Best Quotes About Life 2. Guided Meditation to Release Anger 3. How to Make Affirmations Work Faster [12 Tips] 4. Positive Affirmations For Mental Health 5. Make Your Life Less Stressful & Enjoy It More 6. Why You’re Not Moving Forward in Life


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