Grounding Meditation Script [Mother Earth Meditation]

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Grounding Meditation Script [15-Minute Guided Meditation]

Welcome to this grounding meditation. Today you focus on connecting to mother earth below.

So make sure you are in a very comfortable position, in a place where you can fully enjoy your time. It is best if you have your feet planted on the floor without shoes or socks for this grounding session but if you would rather lie down with your feet elevated, that is fine, too.

First become aware of your breath and when you do so you might take a nice deep breath in. Breathing in as much as you can and when you exhale feel your body relax.

If you haven’t already,allow your eyes to close.

And let’s become aware of the bottoms of your feet as well as the tips of your toes.

Your feet have been taking you so many places over the years and they deserve to fully relax and let go. So, allow relaxation to amplify in your feet by simply placing your awareness on them. Breathe in deeply feeling comfortable and relaxed.

All of your attention on the soles of your feet.

Imagine that this is what connects you to mother earth.

Each step you take has made a difference in your life and moved you through hard times as well as achievements.

Breathe in deeply and send your feet love and respect for everywhere they have taken you…

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Now imagine the earth below you supporting your every move…

The ground is your place of connection and no matter how high up you go or how long your feet are elevated, you always become grounded once again.

Become aware of the ground below you wherever it may be and know that it is a source of pure connection to all there is.

Imagine now that from the bottoms of your feet, the roots of your soul are growing and extending down towards the earth….

They make contact with the soil below wherever it may be, and you feel the instant connection and security filled with unconditional love.

So relaxed as you feel this amazing connection with the earth.

Feel these roots strong and unbreakable.

They are now going into the earth and taking root allowing you to feel ultimate relaxation…

See these roots however they appear for you, they could be your favorite color or look like roots from a plant.

Feeling them grounding you… the soles of your feet are strong and resilient…

You have found the link between you and the earth…

This is a bond that cannot be broken, you came from the earth and we are always connected to it….

Feel the union between you and the soil…

By becoming grounded on a daily basis, you are strengthening the alliance between earth and human…

Now, allow the earth and all her love to teach you anything you need to know, and listen with an open heart and mind…

Familiarize yourself with the messages you hear…

Allow the earth to introduce you to the power of true connection…

You have made a strong alliance with the earth… grounding you in soul and body…

Now, breathe in deeply again, imagine that you are drawing this powerful experience of connection up your legs, feeling this bond relax your body as it releases any tension along the way…

Breathe in again…feeling the union of earth and body traveling up into your hips and pelvis…deeply relaxing you…

Breathing fully and passionately, feel the partnership between humans and earth traveling up into your abdomen and ribs…

Noticing how being grounded is such a blessing…

Feel the connection travel into your chest and lungs… gracing your heart with love…

The earth loves unconditionally, she forever gives and only hopes for care and respect in return…

The deep bond of love is traveling up your neck, deleting any tension here…

This relaxing sensation goes into your entire head, training all of your muscles and bones to become fully relaxed…

The alliance between you and earth travels all the way to the very top of your head…

Notice how you feel right now…

You are fully grounded … a perfect combination between earth and flesh…

There is a deep relationship between you and the earth, one that cannot be broken and must always be nurtured…

You and the earth have formed a partnership… one that makes you feel completely loved and cared for…

Now hear yourself saying these positive words reflecting true connection to the ground below…










Imagine again those roots coming from the soles of your feet, they have now grown deep into the earth, that you can feel the connection to others around the world…

Begin to slowly draw your awareness to the present moment, returning your thoughts to your current surroundings…

Breathe in deeply again, feeling forever connected to the earth and all of her wisdom…

Whenever you are ready open your eyes and give thanks for the earth and your connection…

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What is Grounding Meditation? 

Grounding meditation is a mindfulness technique that helps to center and connect a person with their physical body and the present moment. It involves focusing on the sensations in the body and the connection to the earth, which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of disconnection.

During a grounding meditation, a person typically sits or stands with their feet planted firmly on the ground and focuses on their breath, imagining roots growing down into the earth from their feet. This visualization can help to create a sense of stability and grounding, as if the person is firmly rooted to the earth.

Other techniques used in grounding meditation may include focusing on the sensations in the body, such as the feeling of the breath moving in and out of the lungs or the sensations of the feet pressing into the ground. The goal is to become more aware of the present moment and to let go of distractions and worries.

Grounding meditation can be practiced on its own or as part of a larger mindfulness practice. It can be especially helpful for people who struggle with anxiety or who feel disconnected from their bodies or the world around them.

What are the 5 Grounding Techniques?

There are many grounding techniques that can be used in meditation or in daily life to help you feel more present, calm, and centered. Here are five techniques that are commonly used:

Focus on your breath: Bring your attention to your breath and the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. Notice the rise and fall of your chest or belly as you breathe.

Connect with your senses: Use your senses to connect with the present moment. Notice what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste around you. Pay attention to the details of your surroundings.

Use physical sensations: Focus on the physical sensations in your body, such as the feeling of your feet on the ground, the weight of your body in your chair, or the sensation of your hands touching each other.

Visualize grounding imagery: Picture yourself rooted to the ground like a tree, with strong roots anchoring you to the earth. Imagine the energy from the earth flowing up through your feet and into your body.

Engage in a mindful activity: Engage in an activity that requires your full attention, such as coloring, knitting, or gardening. This can help you to focus on the present moment and feel more grounded in your body.

These are just a few examples of grounding techniques, and there are many others that can be adapted to suit your individual needs and preferences.
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