How to Become a Certified Mindfulness Coach [8 Tips]

how to become a certified mindfulness coach

Finding inner peace and living more mindfully has become a sought-after goal for many. With increasingly busy and stressful lives, people are turning to mindfulness as an antidote. If you’re captivated by the power of mindfulness yourself and are interested in teaching others, becoming a certified mindfulness meditation teacher allows you to turn your passion … Read more

Download Calming and Relaxing Music For Meditation, Sleep, Focus & More


Do you believe music has power and can impact various aspects of your life? Do you think music can aid relaxation, concentration, sleep, exercise, and more? If you do believe in music’s powerful effects, you are correct! Music influences our brains in different positive ways. We are constantly surrounded by music every day through radio, … Read more

Detached Mindfulness [How to Practice + Exercises]

detached mindfulness exercises

Feeling overwhelmed by incessant worries and negative thoughts? Trapped in your own mind, analyzing situations from every angle until you spiral into anxiety and stress? If this sounds like you, learning the practice of detached mindfulness could be a game-changer. Unlike traditional mindfulness where you focus on the present moment, detached mindfulness teaches you to … Read more

ABC of Mindfulness [Your Simple Guide to Inner Peace & Focus]

mindfulness meditation

Staying present and composed can feel nearly impossible nowadays. Distractions bombard us 24/7 thanks to nonstop digital demands and data overload. Stress easily spirals as we juggle overflowing to-do lists, pressing deadlines, and packed schedules. Yet being scatterbrained and on-edge often sinks productivity. What if you could take charge of your attention span and resilience, … Read more

12 Fun Mindfulness Activities For Adults to Be More Present

fun mindfulness activities for adults

Article at a Glance This article provides an overview of fun mindfulness practices beyond formal meditation. From mindful eating to creative activities like drawing and body awareness exercises, there are many ways to explore mindfulness. The key difference between regular activities and mindful ones is the quality of attention we bring – mindful activities call … Read more

Money Meditation Script [Attract Abundance and Prosperity]

Money meditation script for those seeking abundance and prosperity

While meditation and visualization can be powerful tools for attracting financial abundance, it’s important to remember that they are not a substitute for taking action. Simply meditating and hoping for money to appear out of thin air is not going to work. Instead, combine meditation with practical steps to achieve your financial goals. This could … Read more

Mindfulness Meditation Script [Walking the Mindful Path]

check out this mindfulness meditation script

Let’s take some time to nourish our well-being through mindfulness meditation. I invite you to get comfortable and relaxed. Find a posture that feels stable yet soft. You can close your eyes or keep them slightly open with a softened gaze towards the ground. Please focus inward and make this time just for you. Let’s … Read more

Loving Kindness Meditation Script [Guide to Compassion]

loving kindness meditation

Today we will practice loving kindness meditation together. This is a form of meditation where we cultivate warm, caring feelings – first for ourselves, then for loved ones, then for all people and living beings. I invite you to join me in opening our hearts and connecting more deeply with ourselves and others. When we … Read more

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Script [Calm Your Body & Mind]

check out this muscle relaxation script

Imagine yourself stepping into a tranquil oasis, surrounded by lush greenery and soothing sounds of nature. The air is crisp and clean, invigorating your senses. As you find a comfortable spot on a soft cushion, let your worries and concerns gently slip away, leaving you enveloped in a sense of peace and serenity. This is … Read more

Abundance Meditation Script [Awaken Inner Riches]

listen to this abundance meditation script

Welcome. Today I’m excited to guide you through an abundance meditation. Now what do I mean by “abundance?” Very simply, abundance refers to having more than enough of something. It’s the feeling of overflowing with blessings, whether emotionally, physically, financially, or spiritually.  And why meditate on abundance? Well, when we take time to sit quietly … Read more

Manifesting Meditation Script [Attract Your Dreams]

Manifesting meditation script to manifest your dreams into reality

I’m so glad you’re here today to manifest your dreams into reality. Doesn’t it feel good to spend quality time manifesting the life you truly want? Together, we’ll tap into the power of focused intention to attract whatever positive changes we desire, whether it’s improved health, fulfilling relationships, professional success…you name it. I’ll guide you … Read more

Letting Go Meditation Script [Clear the Clutter Inside]

listen to this letting go meditation script and let go

Come find a seat that feels stable yet soft – a place where you can settle in and relax into the support beneath you. If you feel comfortable doing so, gently close your eyes, allowing your vision to turn inward as well. Now consciously relax the muscles of your face and shoulders, unclenching your jaw … Read more

New Year’s Meditation Script [Transformative Journey]

new year's meditation script

Welcome, dear listener, to this special New Year’s meditation. As we bid farewell to the past and eagerly anticipate the new year, let’s embark on a journey of inner transformation and self-discovery. This guided meditation will empower you to set intentions, cultivate gratitude, and visualize your dreams coming to life. Through deep breathing, mindful reflection, … Read more

Christmas Meditation Script [Journey to Holiday Serenity]

christmas meditation script

Find a comfortable seat, either sitting up tall or lying down. Gently close your eyes and bring focus inward. Take a deep relaxing breath in…and slowly exhale out any tension.  Set your intention for this time by thinking “May this be a period of calm and renewal.” Say the intention once more silently to yourself. … Read more

Winter Solstice Meditation Script [From Darkness to Light]

check out this winter solstice meditation script

Welcome to this winter solstice meditation. The winter solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. Since ancient times, this has been seen as a powerful time for inner reflection, renewal, and connecting to the cyclic nature of the seasons. Make yourself comfortable in a quiet space where you can relax completely … Read more

Inner Child Meditation Script [Healing Your Inner Child]

inner child meditation script

Find a quiet space to relax as you prepare for this inner child meditation. During this practice, you’ll have the opportunity to compassionately connect with your inner child. We all have an inner child that represents the parts of ourselves formed in childhood – our memories, emotions, beliefs, and patterns from that time. While life … Read more

Autumn Meditation Script [Finding Solace in Letting Go]

check out this autumn meditation script

Find a quiet space to settle in for this guided meditation. Allow yourself to step out of the busyness of life for a while to connect inward. As the season shifts to autumn, nature offers a reflection on the impermanence of all things. We too are continuously changing – shedding old ways of being to … Read more

Crystals For Meditation [Gemstone Power for Mindfulness]

Check out some of the best crystals for meditation.

Using crystals for meditation is a practice that involves using specific gemstones during meditation sessions to enhance focus, relaxation, and spiritual connection. These crystals are believed to resonate with the body’s energy centers or chakras, aiding in achieving deeper states of mindfulness. Aspect Details Purpose of Crystals Enhance focus, relaxation, and spiritual connection during meditation. … Read more

Seeing Purple While Meditating? [Here’s What It Means]

What does it mean when you see the color purple during meditation

The color purple is often seen as deeply connected to spirituality and higher states of consciousness in meditation. It is associated with the crown chakra, intuition, wisdom, mystery, and transcendence. Seeing shades of purple can represent a deepening self-awareness, spiritual awakening, or connection to something greater than oneself. Though commonly interpreted as positive, the exact … Read more

How to Know If You Meditate Correctly [6 Clear Signs]

Learn about 6 signs that say if you are meditating correctly or your meditation is working

To know if you are meditating correctly, watch for these six signs: physical stillness, heightened awareness, a shift from ‘doing’ to ‘being’, navigating the mind’s chatter without getting swept away, altered perception of time, and experiencing a shift in attitude. Section Summary Introduction Understanding the importance of knowing if your meditation practice is effective. The … Read more


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