Submit a Guest Post

Before you write the article, please first let me know the topic so that I know it fits my blog. Let me also know in your message what site you would like to link to from your guest post.

Do you love to write?

Are there some interesting ideas that you’d like to share with the world?

Have your life experiences taught you something that you’d now like to share with others?

Are you interested in personal development and want to inspire others with your content?

Then you are invited to submit a guest post. You don’t have to be a professional writer to offer new ideas of unique experiences in written form.

If you have something meaningful to say, then you are invited to say it right here.

Reach Out To 13,000 Visitors Each Month

When you submit a blog post, in the bio section you will have the opportunity to promote a link to your website to a community that is experiencing consistent growth.

You are also invited to offer a link to your social media profiles.


Submission Guidelines

I am currently accepting guest posts in the format of a list article or a standard article.

List Article Example
Standard Article Example

Your guest post must contain original work.

The content in your guest post should not be published anywhere else.

This includes your website, blog, or social media.

Please use subheadings to break up your content into manageable “chunks” of information.

Please keep your paragraphs to a manageable length of 3-4 sentences whenever possible.

Don’t include any images in your article. I choose appropriate images myself.

The length of your guest post should be between 1,800 and 2,500 words, but no more than 3,000 words.

Include a short bio along with the link to your website or social media profile. You can include up to 3 links.

Please enclose a current photograph as an attachment to your submission email if you want a photo to appear next to your bio.

What Type of Guest Posts Do I Accept?

Here is a list of categories from which to choose for your guest post: psychology, happiness, love and relationship, friendships, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, manifesting, visualization, change and challenges, personal growth, stress relief, meaning and passion, sleep, forgiveness, healing, consciousness, creativity, motivation, self confidence, stories of breakthroughs and triumph, finding your purpose, overcoming obstacles, success tips, life hacks, productivity, EFT (emotional freedom techniques).

If you’re passionate about the given subject and if there is something that you would like to share with the world, please submit your article to [email protected] in a Microsoft Word compatible file format with the title in the subject line.

You may be asked to revise the content after my initial review.

I also reserve the right to change the title of your post before its publication.

Quick summary

  1. In your email let me know the page/site you would like to link to from your guest post.
  2. If you already have a list of topics that you would like to write about, include them in your email and wait for my response.
  3. Guest post length: 1800-2500 words (no more than 3000 words, but of course exceptions can be made). It must be original work, never published before.
  4. At the end of a guest post include your bio (image is not necessary)
  5. Don’t include images in the guest post. I will include one or two images myself.
  6. Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication (most guest posts are of dubious quality). If you don’t receive a response from me within 7 days it means your article won’t be published.  
  7. I don’t accept articles from freelance writers who do not have a blog and from people whose only purpose is promoting a product, service or organization. If you are a blogger/author who has something meaningful to share with the world, then write to me. [email protected] 

I look forward to hearing from you and what you have to share with my community and the rest of the world.

The Raikov

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