Full Moon Meditation Script [12-minute Guided Meditation]

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full moon meditation script 06.04.2023.

Full Moon Meditation Script

Welcome to this full moon meditation… This session can be done at any time you wish, even under the full moon itself… if the moon is not full, simply imagine it as so…

First, if the moon is full tonight, find a location where you can see the moon while lying down if you can. Allowing its moonlight to grace your skin would be even better… The true period of the full moon is 5 days; the day the moon is at its fullest, the two days prior and the two days following.

The crisp moonlight is something that is said to cleanse the skin and detox the earth… see if you notice this effect from the moon rays whenever you feel them…

Make sure you’re in a nice comfortable position and you will not be disturbed by anyone or anything for the duration of this session.

Begin to take a long slow and deep breath in, breathing out, and relaxing … you may close your eyes…

Know that whatever you feel during the session is OK for you, so just allow yourself to experience whatever comes or whatever doesn’t.

When the moon is full,it is in perfect alignment with the sun, so that is reflecting a filtered light towards you and the earth below. Many cultures across all times believe that the full moon each month cleanses all that it touches…

Allow yourself to become cleansed today, removing any old stuck negative energies… becoming fresh and renewed for the new month ahead…

Begin to breathe deeply once more… the slower you inhale, the more fully you can breathe….

The slower you exhale,the more relaxed you become….

Inhale… cleansing energy….

Exhale… relaxing…

Inhale… feel the full moon beaming above you…

Exhale… relax…

Inhale… imagine the moon round and full

Exhale… relaxing…

Inhale… see the moon shining so brightly that it is almost hard to look at…

Exhale… into deeper relaxation…


The rays of the moon are beginning to cleanse you… starting on the surface of your skin…

Feeling how impurities and toxins are slowly moving, becoming loose and flowing…

The moon is high above you, but it feels so close…

Your skin is being cleansed by the moonlight…

Dropping all thoughts of your personal problems now…

Feel these worries and concerns melting away under the moonlight …

Each troublesome thought that arises about your life or your day, give it away to the moonlight…

Feel the moon gladly taking your troubles away ….

Use this moment of opportunity under the full moon to let go completely…

Your mind is easily clearing out old ways of thinking…

This is a magical evening… enjoy this cleansing process…

Feel your body renewing in the full moon…. Each tiny cell is in the full process of regeneration…

You can feel the old cells being shed, opening space for new cells to flourish…

Now, allow yourself to release any and all obstacles that have stood in your way….

Now is the opportunity under the full moon to let go of any hindrances that have become trapped in your own nature…

Feel yourself finally breaking through anything that has held you back…

All barriers that you couldn’t see over before are crumbling to the ground…

Imagine the moon shining so brightly above you …

Allow for it to open you up on all levels of your awareness…

Feeling any stagnant energy becoming unstuck…

Now, you are beginning to clearly see, a new vision is coming through… a vision that was once lost…

This newfound vision is greater than anything you have ever seen before…

What do you see in your pure vision?

Do you see yourself accomplishing great things?

Perhaps you are fully healthy and vibrant…

Making amazing advancements in your career…

Having meaningful connections with people who believe in you…

Let the magic of the moonlight fill you with new ideas towards a better life…

You deserve to let goof the old in order to usher in the new…

Now, you may open your eyes and gaze up at the moonlight… see the moon and it’s giving nature…

You have been blessed with this cleansing session… The full moon will return for you next month,ready to take away all that holds you back…

Breathe in deeply one last time, feeling like a new version of you … and open your eyes.

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Is it good to meditate during a full moon?

According to multiple sources, meditating during a full moon can be beneficial due to the moon's connection to spiritual practices and its effect on water, which makes up approximately 70% of our bodies. 

Meditating during a full moon can help harness its magnifying effects for greater spiritual activities and help with purification. 

Full moon meditations are also recommended to tap into the energetic power of the moon's light and connect with our more intuitive and unconscious selves.

What is the mantra for full moon meditation? 

There are several mantras that one can use during full moon meditation. Here are a few examples:

1. "Om Purnamadah Purnamidam, Purnat Purnamudachyate, Purnasya Purnamadaya, Purnamevavashishyate." This is a Sanskrit mantra that translates to "That is complete, this is complete, from the completeness comes the completeness, taking away the completeness from the completeness, only completeness remains." It is a powerful mantra that reminds us of our wholeness and interconnectedness with the universe.

2. "Om Chandraya Namah." This is a mantra that honors the moon and its energy. It is believed to help balance emotions, calm the mind, and increase intuition.

3. "Om Shanti Shanti Shanti." This is a mantra for peace and tranquility. It can be used to help quiet the mind and create a peaceful atmosphere for meditation.

It's important to note that the most important aspect of full moon meditation is not the specific mantra used, but rather the intention and focus that one brings to the practice. Choose a mantra that resonates with you and helps you connect with the energy of the full moon.

How do you meditate on a full moon? 

There are many ways to meditate on a full moon, and the specific approach will depend on your personal preferences and spiritual practice. Here are some general steps you can follow to meditate on a full moon:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. You can sit on a cushion, chair, or lie down.

2. Set your intention for the meditation. This can be anything from connecting with the moon's energy to releasing negative emotions.

3. Choose a mantra or visualization to focus on during the meditation. You can use one of the mantras I mentioned earlier or create your own.

4. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

5. Visualize the full moon in your mind's eye. Imagine its bright light filling your body with positive energy and healing light.

6. Repeat your chosen mantra or visualization as you focus on your breath. If you get distracted, gently bring your attention back to your mantra or visualization.

7. Continue meditating for as long as you feel comfortable. You can set a timer for a specific amount of time or meditate until you feel complete.

8. When you're ready to end the meditation, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes. 

Remember, the most important aspect of full moon meditation is to connect with the energy of the moon and set your intention for the practice. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you.
full moon meditation script


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