How Does Regular Exercise Help to Reduce the Effects of Mental Stress?

how does regular exercise help to reduce the effects of mental stress

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind & exercise of the body; the two are ever united. Wilhelm von Humboldt Stress happens every day. There’s just no getting around it. Stress is simply an inevitable component of life. Nearly half of people surveyed on an annual basis about personal stress say that it is … Read more

5 Characteristics of Charismatic Influence

charismatic influence

The following 5 characteristics are viewed as being valuable to people seeking charismatic influence in personal lives and in their professional pursuits. It is this combination that sends a powerful projection presence message to others. If one continually learns and practices these principles others may respond by being captivated and compelled to follow your direction. … Read more

18 Incredible Health Benefits of Walking Daily [Why You Should Start Walking More]

health benefits of walking

If you’re able to trim your waistline, then you are going to be able to improve your health. It’s a common thing that doctors are saying more and more these days. In the US, about 2 in every 3 adults is at least overweight. Yet many are finding it difficult to improve their health due to the demands of their jobs, their family responsibilities, and everything else that goes on in modern life.

14 Characteristics of Mentally Strong People

characteristics mentally strong people

  “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” -Marcus Aurelius   Time keeps on moving, no matter how we try to alter it. This means that even the worst day ever will eventually come to an end. Some people are able to plan and strategize their … Read more

How To Stay Positive In a Negative World (7 Tips)

how to stay positive in a negative situation

Negativity seems to be surrounding us every day. Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino – there always seems to be something new and scary that hits the news just about every day. Negativity also hits us at work with layoffs, benefit cutbacks, and other decisions that affect personal income. People on the street don’t wave at each … Read more


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