Learn How to Control Anger With Anger Management Workbook

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. Mark Twain

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. Ralph Waldo Emerson

There’s nothing wrong with anger provided you use it constructively. Wayne Dyer

There are different anger management methods. You can go to a specialist who will help you deal with your anger, you can attend anger management classes or you can use a journal or a workbook that will also help you understand your anger outbursts and how to overcome them.

Remember that anger is not always a bad emotion which you should try to avoid at all costs. Anger can also be a positive emotion. It can motivate people to take action and make changes in situations that are unfair or unjust.

However most often anger is considered to be a bad emotion because it evokes aggression and is a source of conflicts.

A Few Simple Techniques For Managing Anger

Breathing exercises: Before reacting to a situation that is making you angry, count to 10.

Physical activity: Do some form of exercise such as going for a walk or running. This can help release built-up tension and energy.

Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and then relax different muscle groups in your body to release physical tension.

Reframing: Try to reframe the situation that is causing your anger. Look for the positive aspects or try to understand the other person's perspective.

Mindfulness: Try to focus on the present moment and your breath. It will help you calm your mind and reduce feelings of anger.

Communication: Express your feelings in a calm and assertive manner. Use "I" statements, such as "I feel angry when you do this," rather than blaming or attacking the other person.

Humor: Use humor to lighten the mood and reduce feelings of anger.

Seek support: Talk to someone about your feelings of anger, it could be a friend, family member, or therapist. They can offer a different perspective and help you find healthy ways to manage your emotions.

The most important thing is to find what works best for you and then use these techniques regularly, so that they become habits.

Over time you will notice that managing anger will become easier for you and more effective at the same time.


Are There Any Anger Management Classes Near Me?

If you prefer to work on your anger in a group rather than individually with a therapist/certified anger management specialist, then you need to check if such classes are held near the place where you live.

There are a few ways you can use Google to find anger management classes/counseling near you:

1. Type “anger management” or “anger management classes” in the Google search bar (enclose the phrase in apostrophes). Then add the phrase “near me” after the apostrophes, or add a specific location. 

For example: “anger management Brisbane” or “anger management Calgary” or “anger management classes” near me.

By doing this, Google will understand that you are searching for the exact phrase "anger management classes" and it will also use your current location to show you the results that are closest to you.

2. Another technique you can use is to use Google Maps, you can search for "anger management classes" and it will show you a map with markers of all the locations offering the classes in your area.

3. Try searching for specific anger management centers or organizations in your area, such as "Anger Management Institute" or "Anger Management Support Group".

4. You can also try to find online courses on anger management. 

How Much are Anger Management Classes?

It depends on many different factors such as the location, the format of the class (whether it’s online or in-person) and the instructor’s qualifications.

Usually the cost can range anywhere from $50 to $200 per session. Some programs also offer group therapy sessions, which can be less expensive.

You will need to contact specific providers in your area to know the exact costs of such therapy. What’s more, some health insurance plans may cover the cost of anger management classes, so it’s worth checking if your insurance company offers any coverage.

However if you feel that looking for a therapist or anger management classes is not for you, then maybe it’s good to start your anger management journey with a workbook? It’s the cheapest option and can be really effective if you apply yourself to it.

This book is divided into two parts: workbook and journal.

In the first part you will find information about: Identifying Triggers, Considering Consequences, Replacing Negative Behaviors, Reframing and Replacing Negative Thoughts and Beliefs, Avoiding Triggers, Effective Communication of Emotions, The Power of Letting It Go + several exercises. 
The second part of this book, as the name suggests, is a journal where the reader is supposed to answer specific questions in order to learn to better handle their anger. 

Here’s an excerpt from the book:

Learning to manage your anger is about practice and persistence. It is about developing new habits and behaviors and implementing them into your daily life.

In this workbook, you will be guided through many different methods of training your mind & challenging your existing ways of thinking.

You will come to realize that success in anger management is about knowing yourself; gaining greater self-awareness and preventing triggering situations.
However, it certainly doesn’t stop there. Your strength comes from the preparation you will build to cope with and manage the most trying and challenging moments.

Your measure of success will be your ability to do what is most difficult and uncomfortable: To change your responses and reactions to triggers and replace them with new, healthy, and more positive behaviors.

This workbook compiles various effective exercises based on cognitive-behavioral principles, mindfulness, and methods to monitor your progress and remain committed to these new practices that will introduce a new way of life for you.

You will be stepping into a period of major change—a significant lifestyle & mindset shift—from the moment you begin to read & implement the teachings contained in this text.

To learn more, click on the image below.

Anger Management Journal Prompts

If you’re interested in journaling in order to better control your anger then check out the prompts below.

Journal prompts can be very helpful in handling your anger because thanks to them you have a chance to understand and work through your emotions. When you’re angry it’s not easy to figure out what’s really bothering you.

That’s why writing down your feelings and thoughts in response to prompts can help you make sense of what’s going on and release any pent-up emotions.  

What’s more, journaling about anger can help you start noticing patterns and thanks to this it may be easier for you to figure out what sets you off. This can be extremely valuable for managing your anger in the future.

By reflecting on past experiences and how you dealt with similar situations, you can come up with new strategies for handling your anger and improving your emotional control.

By using journal prompts for anger management you can process your emotions, gain insight into your behavior and improve your ability to manage anger in a safe and effective way.


1. Describe a situation that recently made you feel angry. What triggered your anger and why?

2. How did your body physically respond to the anger-inducing situation? Did your heart rate increase, did your face get hot, etc.?

3. What thoughts were going through your mind when you felt angry? Did you have any negative self-talk or irrational beliefs?

4. Did you react to the situation in a way that you later regretted? If so, what would you have done differently if you had been able to manage your anger better?

5. What are some of your usual coping mechanisms when you're feeling angry? Do they help to diffuse the anger or do they make it worse?

6. Think of a time when you were able to effectively manage your anger. What did you do to control your emotions in that situation?

7. What do you think is the root cause of your anger? Is it a fear of being hurt, a feeling of helplessness, or a need for control, for example?

8. How does anger affect your relationships with others? Have you noticed a pattern in how your anger influences your interactions with those around you?

9. What are some practical strategies you can use to manage your anger in the moment? Deep breathing, counting to 10, or taking a walk, for example?

10. How do you want to feel instead of angry? What are some steps you can take to cultivate this feeling when you're in a situation that usually triggers your anger? 
You may also be interested in: 

1. Affirmations For Letting Go of Fear, Anger & more

2. Guided Meditation to Release Anger

3. Rewrite History [Stop Letting Your Past Control Your Future]

4. How to Find Inner Peace & Happiness

5. Think & Become Rich by John Assaraf

6. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anger Management

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