EFT Tapping For Self-Love: Embracing Self-Acceptance

eft tapping scripts for self love

To begin, find a quiet space where you can go through this process without interruptions. Get comfortable by sitting down or lying down. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

Start by rating your current level of self-love on a scale from 0-10, where 0 is no self-love at all and 10 is complete, unconditional self-love. Make a mental note of this number.

Now, let’s tune into the negative self-talk, beliefs or memories that make it hard for you to fully love and accept yourself. Notice where you feel this lack of self-love or self-criticism in your body. Allow any emotions to rise to the surface.

The Setup (repeat this 3 times while tapping the karate chop point on the side of your hand): “Even though I struggle with feelings of (say the negative self-belief), I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Example: “Even though I struggle with feeling unworthy and not good enough, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

The Tapping Sequence

Eyebrow: I release these feelings of unworthiness

Side of Eye: I let go of this harsh self-judgment

Under Eye: I am willing to see my beauty

Under Nose: I deserve to feel good about myself

Chin: I approve of who I am right now

Collarbone: My mistakes do not define my worth

Under Arm: I forgive myself for being imperfect

Top of Head: I am open to loving all parts of myself

Take a deep breath. Now we’ll install positive self-love affirmations:

Eyebrow: I have infinite worth just for being me

Side of Eye: I am worthy of unconditional self-love

Under Eye: Loving myself allows me to shine

Under Nose: I cherish and nurture my precious being

Chin: I admire my unique gifts and strengths

Collarbone: My self-love nurtures my growth

Under Arm: I matter and my needs matter

Top of Head: I love myself completely, always

Take a few deep breaths and keep tapping on the word “peace” while envisioning feeling calm, confident self-acceptance. You can also come up with your own self-love mantras to tap on.

self love eft scripts

Version 2:

The Tapping Sequence

Eyebrow: I release these feelings of not being good enough

Side of Eye: I let go of judging myself so harshly

Under Eye: I am willing to embrace my true self

Under Nose: I deserve to feel at peace with who I am

Chin: I approve of myself, flaws and all

Collarbone: My self-worth is not defined by mistakes

Under Arm: I forgive myself for being imperfectly human

Top of Head: I am open to accepting all aspects of me

Take a deep breath. Now we’ll install positive self-love affirmations:

Eyebrow: I have boundless value simply for existing

Side of Eye: I am truly worthy of my own love

Under Eye: Self-love empowers me to thrive

Under Nose: I treat my mind, body and soul with kindness

Chin: I appreciate my unique strengths and qualities

Collarbone: Self-acceptance allows me to keep growing

Under Arm: My feelings and needs are valid and important

Top of Head: I love myself wholeheartedly, now and always

When you feel ready, re-rate your level of self-love from 0-10. Notice any shifts in your mind, body or spirit after this tapping process.

Repeat this script regularly, customizing the wording as needed to address your specific self-love challenges. Be patient and compassionate with yourself.

You may also be interested in: 

1. Talk to Yourself Like You Would to Someone You Love

2. Self-Love Journal Prompts

3. Self-Love Affirmations

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