Tapping Scripts For Weight Loss & Anxiety [Do They Work?]

The idea of using EFT tapping scripts for weight loss or anxiety may sound too good to be true, but many people have had success by doing exactly that.

In fact, in the book, The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence, Jessica Ortner shares the stories of thousands of women who lost weight and learned to accept and love their bodies using EFT.

Now, keep in mind that just using tapping scripts for weight loss won’t make extra weight magically disappear.

It will take more than just tapping, but the tapping can really help you get free from any negative thought patterns that may be going on subconsciously, that perhaps have been causing you to overeat or reach for unhealthy foods.

You know, those thoughts that have you thinking that you’re not good enough?  That you’ll never find happiness? That you’ll always struggle? It’s precisely those negative types of thoughts that EFT targets and works on changing.

Tapping For Weight Loss

The Tapping Solution For Weight Loss & Body Confidence

103 Disempowering Beliefs About Weight Loss and Body Confidence

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What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?

emotional freedom techniques meridians

EFT is a technique that uses the Chinese meridian (or energy) system to help heal emotional problems at their root.

Have you heard of acupuncture? EFT is essentially “emotional acupuncture” and is gaining much recognition because it simply works.

Gary Craig developed EFT more than 20 years ago, as he began a mission to teach people how to overcome their emotional and physical issues that held them back from success.

He has spent his life teaching EFT and has helped many people find emotional freedom.

To engage in EFT, you simply use your fingers to “tap” certain meridian or energy points on your face and body and this allows energy to flow freely through the areas, reducing or eliminating emotional issues at the source.

Scientists agree that at our very core we are made up of energy and many doctors will tell you that physical problems originate with emotional issues.

In fact, Dr. Eric Robins states that about 85 percent of illnesses are caused by unresolved emotional issues.

The Chinese have used acupuncture to treat and heal emotional issues for centuries.

EFT is essentially utilizing the same theory- that pressure applied to the main energy meridians causes blocked energy to become clear so that positive energy can flow freely.

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Benefits of EFT

EFT is used to treat a variety of emotional and physical issues.

Many have used it on themselves or with an EFT practitioner to be freed up from negative emotions like fear, depression and anxiety.

People also use it to work on changing negative thought patterns that may be at the root of various addictions, such as food.

EFT is free and you can use the technique just about anywhere. It’s also quite easy to learn. Here are some of the issues that EFT can help you overcome:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fear (phobias and panic attacks)
  • Food addiction (weight loss)
  • Smoking
  • Low self-esteem
  • Pain control
  • Sports performance
  • Insomnia
  • Addictions

How EFT Works

eft tapping therapy

Over the years, plenty of old wounds can pile up in the energy system, causing you to feel a range of negative emotions.

Not working through pain or trauma can create energy blocks and faulty thought patterns.

Even when things are going great in life, some people find it challenging to feel a real sense of joy.

They may read some books or listen to something encouraging every so often, but they still feel stuck.

This is one reason some are turning to energy psychology and meditation today.

EFT works under the assumption that every negative emotion disrupts your energy system.

For example, think of a child that represses their emotions rather than expressing them.

They may do this year after year and not really notice any consequence until they are an adult.

But eventually repressed emotions or emotional pain catches up to you.

And then, you’ll have to decide to work through them or continue to live in emotional misery.


Using EFT For Anxiety

A friend of mine began using EFT when she was feeling very anxious.

She wasn’t necessarily going through a tough time, but every day she felt on edge and said she felt like her nervous system was on fire.

Learning about EFT for anxiety from a friend, she started practicing it every day.

Her symptoms of rapid heartbeat, fear, hypersensitivity, etc. she was experiencing would decrease or disappear as she practiced.

She stated that tapping on her energy meridian points while mentally tuning into some past experiences that she felt created her anxiety helped her to finally process her pent-up emotions and release them.

After a tapping exercise of say ten minutes, stating key EFT phrases like, “Even though I feel anxious, I completely love myself”, her body and mind would be calm. To her, it was a miracle.

Along with tapping your energy points, you say a script that helps you identify with the emotion that you are feeling.

For example, if you’re feeling anger, your script will include “anger”.

If you’re feeling shame, your tapping script will include “shame”.

When learning EFT, you can simply listen and watch others and repeat what they are saying and doing.

It’s not difficult at all. In fact, EFT is quite easy to learn to use on yourself and to help others.

EFT Reduces Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

eft and depression

Scientific studies indicate that EFT done regularly can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

For example, in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease in 2016, a meta-analysis was published stating that after looking at 14 different EFT studies that the treatment led to a “significant” reduction in anxiety scores among those who reported psychological distress.

And, in Medical Acupuncture, it states that EFT helps regulate stress hormones and increases limbic function.

Our minds and bodies are not meant to be full of pain. We are meant to walk in emotional and physical freedom.

Energetic imbalances can become balanced through modes of healing techniques like EFT, meditation, and Reiki.

You really can go from mentally tormented to emotionally free with a firm commitment to doing whatever it takes to get there.

You must make the intention to become free. If you’re only halfheartedly trying, you might not experience the changes you desire.

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Do Tapping Scripts Work For Weight Loss?

If you’re struggling with weight, using tapping scripts for weight loss can certainly be beneficial.

Note that the tapping scripts will work with some of the core faulty thoughts going on, but may not get to the very core issues.

This is why some people will try tapping, find that it works for a while, and then later those faulty thoughts come back, kind of like weeds pop up over time.

This is why many will recommend using tapping scripts for weight loss, but also suggest seeing a professional therapist that may help you dig even deeper to contend with any trauma or core issues.

An example of how one weight loss tapping script might begin is, “Even though I feel horrible about being overweight and don’t think I am worthy to lose it, I completely and wholeheartedly love and accept myself.”

It’s tapping on the specific tapping points on the body and repeating phrases like this that can unblock stuck energy and cause a re-wiring of certain neuropathways in the brain.

To answer the question, “Can tapping scripts help for weight loss?”, the answer is absolutely.

What If the Tapping Scripts Aren’t Working? 

There are some people who try pre-recorded tapping scripts, but don’t really get the results they’re looking for.

There could be several reasons for this.

First, if you’re listening to a particular tapping script by someone, that person doesn’t really know you, so the script is somewhat general.

For example, let’s say you’re listening to a tapping script for fear.  The script author doesn’t know you in terms of the exact nature of how you picked up that fear.

They don’t really get to work with you to dig down to uncover the true roots of that fear, so you never get to address the real cause of the fear; only the symptoms.

Second, a general script can’t assess how you’re doing and modify the script as you go along.

If you find yourself in a deeply emotional state, the pre-recorded script can’t gauge that and take you through that deeper emotional state like an EFT instructor can.

Third, a general script simply stays on the surface level. Whether you’re dealing with fear, depression, weight loss, or anxiety, an automated tapping script won’t necessarily work like magic and cure you in five minutes.

Oftentimes, deep level healing takes time and an EFT instructor to peel the layers back and really contend with any unresolved traumatic experiences. This can be challenging to do on your own.

So, if you find yourself tapping and not getting the results you’re seeking, you might want to consider taking an online EFT course or working one-on-one with an EFT instructor.

The individualized, unique approach to your situation will make a sizable difference.


Working With An EFT Instructor

Many find wonderful results working with an EFT instructor when they desire to get free from negative emotions, lose weight, heal old trauma, and so on. It’s actually the best way to utilize the healing power of EFT.

However, if you’re unable to work with an instructor right away, you can learn EFT on your own by reading or watching some videos on the topic.

There will be some variation in the scripts that people use, but you should find that they are quite similar.

The one thing they will all have in common is the location of the tapping points on the body.

In addition, educational sites like The Tapping Solution are excellent for getting you the breakthrough you desire.

It’s common for beginner students to start tapping on their own with online tapping scripts, but many opt to practice with an EFT instructor or purchase an online EFT course.

The simple reason is that listening to a pre-recorded tapping script is not as effective as working personally with an EFT instructor or taking an online EFT course, where you can ask questions and be guided by an EFT professional.

Tapping For Weight Loss

The Tapping Solution For Weight Loss & Body Confidence

103 Disempowering Beliefs About Weight Loss and Body Confidence

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Tapping For Money & Success

103 Disempowering Beliefs About Money and Success

The Tapping Solution For Financial Success & Personal Fulfillment

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Wrapping It Up

If you’re wondering if tapping scripts for weight loss, anxiety, depression, and more really work, the answer is, “Yes, they can.”

That being said, results will vary from person to person based on factors such as how often it is practiced, type of issues their dealing with, emotional intelligence, and more.

A word of precaution is in order when discussing the issue of emotional problems:

While EFT can benefit those seeking help for things like anxiety, weight loss, depression, etc., it should not replace mental health treatment for those struggling with mental health issues. It can be used in addition to mental health treatments, but not as a substitute.

In addition, consider adding other healthy measures like a healthy diet, regular exercise, meditation, mindfulness, prayer, and so on to deepen your own mind-body connection.

And, as mentioned, consider taking your EFT experience to a more individualized, deeper level by participating in an online course or working with an EFT instructor.

Here’s your permission to begin a new journey to emotional freedom.

After all, you deserve to experience freedom, abundant love, and joy.

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Tapping For Weight Loss & Body Confidence

Tapping Script For Weight Loss & Body Confidence

This Tapping meditation is for people with weight issues and lack of body confidence.

As always I will name each tapping point as we go along. You just repeat the words after each point. Feel free to adjust the words with your own if mine don’t resonate with you. You can say the words out loud or silently in your mind if speaking them isn’t possible.

Tap gently with 2-3 fingers on one side of your face and body or on both sides with both hands, it doesn’t matter.

Make sure you are hydrated before we begin.

By listening to this tapping meditation audio you take full responsibility for your own wellbeing.

So, how do you feel about your body? Betrayed? Angry? Sad?

Do you feel like you’re constantly dieting with your weight going up and down?

One common thought regarding weight loss is, “I’ll be happy when I lose this extra weight,” or “I’ll finally be able to …fill in the blank… once I’ve slimmed down.”

Now think about that for a moment. Such immense pressure is behind this weight loss. A lot is riding on that statement, “I’ll be happy when I slim down,” You deserve to find happiness NOW, in this moment, not later or “when”. The “when” is now.

Weight problems and body confidence is very personal and whilst one person might feel guilt and/or sadness over their weight, someone else might feel anger and frustration, or anxiety. Or you might feel all of these emotions and more!

Other things to take into consideration and tap on are:

Food cravings

Emotional eating


So we’re not going to tap on a specific emotion here, it would be too general.

We’re going to tap on the feeling of not accepting the situation; the situation of being overweight and maybe not being happy with your body.

Being overweight might be something you’ve been struggling with for years! The cycle of dieting, losing weight and gaining it back may very well be engrained into your belief system.

So maybe the time has come to unload some of the burdens you’ve been carrying and possibly lose some extra weight as a consequence, because feeling stressed and anxious can help you to gain weight, not lose it.

So I’d like you to close your eyes and tune into your body.

On a scale of zero to ten, how true is the statement, “I can’t be truly happy until I lose this extra weight,” ?

Zero is not true at all, and ten is it’s 100% true.

Make note of the number. We do this for a few reasons:

First of all to see if we’re going in the right direction. Ideally after an EFT session the number of intensity will drop drastically. That’s what we want. Sometimes however the number can go up initially instead of going down. That’s still good! It’s moving. Stick with it as it means you’re on the right track, you’ve touched on a delicate key part of your story, so keep tapping! It’s when the number doesn’t shift at all that you might want to tap on another aspect.

Secondly, writing the number down, and then seeing it dropping, you have physical proof that something is working, and that’s very important for some people. It’s encouraging.

Lastly, when we remove the neural pathway to the problem during a tapping session, it’s very easy to think afterwards, well you know actually it wasn’t that bad to start with. Yes, you feel like that now because the pathway linking that bad emotion to the event has gone, so you just don’t feel it anymore. (The beauty of EFT!) If however you have the before and after numbers, you have the proof and it’ll give you a reason to do more tapping on other issues.

OK, enough chit-chat, let’s get tapping.

We’re going to start with the setup statement, so tap gently on the side of your hand with two to three fingers of your dominant hand, and repeat after me but again, feel free to change the words with your own if mine don’t resonate with you.

Even though I can’t be happy until I lose this extra weight, I soothe and comfort myself.

Even though I just can’t be truly happy until I lose all this extra weight, I soothe and comfort myself.

Even though I’ll never be completely happy until I lose this extra weight or at least most of it, I soothe and comfort myself.

Now let’s tap on the meridian points and voice the problem.

EB: This extra weight

SE: It’s stopping me from being completely happy

UE: I’ll never be able to truly accept myself

UN: Not like this

Ch: I don’t like myself like this

CB: I don’t like seeing my reflection

UB: It makes me feel bad

UA: It makes me feel unwanted

TH: I just want to hide

EB: I hate that I overeat

SE: I feel so guilty afterwards

UE: But I can’t stop

UN: I’m not strong enough

Ch: And I hate that

CB: How can I possibly be happy

UB: When I feel so bad about myself

UA: It’s not possible

TH: In fact I’ve practically given up

EB: I’ve tried so many diets

SE: It’s exhausting

UE: I need to lose so much weight

UN: Just the thought itself

Ch: Overwhelms me

CB: And makes me want to eat

UB: I’m caught in a vicious cycle

UA: And I can’t see any way out

TH: I need food to calm me down

EB: Sometimes the diets work

SE: But not for long

UE: I go straight back to where I started

UN: And gain some extra weight along the way

Ch: But I’ll never stop wanting

CB: To reach my ideal weight

UB: I have to reach it

UA: My happiness depends on it

TH: I have to lose this weight

EB: It’s such hard work

SE: I have to punish myself if I want to see results

UE: I feel so much pressure to change

UN: So much pressure to be the perfect weight

Ch: It’s exhausting

CB: It’s constantly reminding me

UB: Of my failures

UA: And all those past disappointments

TH: I’ve lost count of how many

EB: If I could lose weight

SE: I could do all the things I can’t do now

UE: I feel this urgency

UN: I want to be happy

Ch: It’s my birth right

CB: Why should I have to miss out?

UB: It’s not fair!

UA: I don’t know if I’ll ever lose this weight though

TH: I just don’t think it’ll ever happen

EB: I’ll probably be like this forever

SE: And that’s not a great thought

UE: Being fat is probably in my DNA

UN: It’s part of me

Ch: It’s who I am

CB: I am overweight

UB: I am fat

UA: And I can’t be happy with myself while I’m like this

TH: So I guess I may never be truly happy

EB: That thought really sucks

SE: And with each heavy thought

UE: My body creates yet another layer

UN: Of fat cells

Ch: My subconscious is trying to help me

CB: My body is trying to help me

UB: To buffer me

UA: To protect me

TH: All these layers of protection

EB: I’m making myself unhappy

SE: By focusing on the weight

UE: I’m running a faulty program

UN: And it’s exhausting

Ch: I need to change my program

CB: And give myself permission to breathe

UB: Maybe I can do that

UA: Yes, maybe I can

TH: Maybe I can be open to that

EB: Maybe I can be open to something new

SE: Something different

UE: Something I’ve never tried before

UN: Maybe I can relax for once

Ch: And let go of this weight loss anxiety and stress

CB: Maybe I can live in the moment

UB: And embrace peace and calm

UA: Maybe I can love myself right now

TH: Just the way I am

EB: There’s a lot of conflict inside me though

SE: If I accept myself like this

UE: Does that mean I will no longer even try to lose weight?

UN: I don’t want that!

Ch: I want to lose weight

CB: Only that will make me truly happy

UB: So I don’t know if I can love myself today

UA: As I am

TH: Right now

EB: One thing is for sure

SE: This program I’ve been running

UE: Isn’t working

UN: So maybe it’s time

Ch: To try something new

CB: Get rid of the old program

UB: And install a new one

UA: One of self-love

TH: And self-respect

EB: As I close my eyes I can see the old program being erased

SE: All the bad feelings are disappearing with it

UE: Self-doubt

UN: Self-hate

Ch: Guilt

CB: Anxiety

UB: Loneliness

UA: Anger

TH: Sadness

EB: A new program is taking its place

SE: It’s beautiful

UE: One of self-love

UN: Worthiness and self-respect

Ch: Self-confidence

CB: Adventure

UB: Peace and calm

UA: Happiness and joy

TH: Beauty

EB: I give myself permission

SE: To allow all these new sentiments

UE: Into my new operating system

UN: It’s okay to feel good

Ch: It’s safe to feel beautiful

CB: I am worthy of all that this wonderful life

UB: Has to offer me

UA: It’s safe to feel excited

TH: About what is to come

EB: I feel this warm feeling throughout my body

SE: Love, gratitude, calm, peace and joy

UE: Penetrating every single cell

UN: Enveloping my DNA

Ch: And raising my vibration

CB: Any remaining self-doubt and unhappiness

UB: Is embraced by this magnificent warmth

UA: And transformed into self-love and joy

TH: I am truly blessed

Rest your hands on your chest and take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Now focus on your heart.

Breathe into it and really feel it opening up.

Breathe in peace and love.

Really thank yourself for taking the time to do this inner work and trying something new.

Feel the gratitude. Feel the love.

Say out loud or in your mind, thank you, and really mean it.

Feel the vibrations of this powerful word.

Thank you.

When you’re ready, open your eyes and have a sip of water.

Shake your hands and arms and legs as if you’re shaking off any old feelings you let go of during this tapping meditation.

Just give your body a good old shake.

So, how are you feeling?

Check back into that number of intensity you made note of at the beginning of the audio.

How true is the statement, “I’ll never be happy until I lose this extra weight?”

How do you feel about that statement now?

If any specific thoughts or emotions surfaced while you were tapping, make note of them and go back and tap on them too.

Keep tapping and have a lovely, joyful day!

Tapping For Anxiety Relief

Tapping Script For Anxiety Relief

This Tapping meditation is for reducing general anxiety. Now the word ‘anxiety’ is often used very loosely and whilst most of us at certain times in our lives will experience or suffer from anxiety to a certain degree, in some cases it’s actually a medical condition and can be debilitating and traumatic for the person suffering from it.

If this is your case, or you have a traumatic experience from your past you don’t feel safe revisiting alone, you might want to consider working one-to-one with a qualified EFT Practitioner.

I am not a doctor, nor a psychotherapist and therefore this Tapping Meditation isn’t meant to be used as a ‘cure all’.

However, tapping on meridian points has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and even help people who suffer from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder, which is an extreme anxiety disorder).

Okay, Let’s get started. Make sure you are hydrated before we begin and by listening to this tapping meditation audio you take full responsibility for your own wellbeing.

I will name each tapping point as we go along. You just repeat the words after each point. Feel free to adjust the words with your own if mine don’t resonate with you. You can say the words out loud or silently in your mind if speaking them isn’t possible.

Tap gently with 2-3 fingers on one side of your face and body or on both sides, it doesn’t matter.

Now let’s take a look at this anxiety.

Close your eyes and tune into your body.

Can you feel the anxiety anywhere?

Is it in your stomach, chest, solar plexus, throat, or somewhere else?

Can you feel it?

Notice where it is and when you feel safe to do so, try visualising what the anxiety looks and feels like.

Does it have a colour?

What about the size and texture?

Is it solid, liquid?

Is it light or heavy?

Hot or cold?

Now that you have visualised it, how intense is this feeling of anxiety? On a scale of zero to ten, zero being no feeling at all, and ten is as bad as it can get, make note of the number. This is what we call the SUDs or Subjective Units of Distress. We make note of this number for a few reasons:

First of all to see if we’re going in the right direction. Ideally after an EFT session the number of intensity will drop drastically. That’s what we want. Sometimes however the number can go up initially instead of going down. That’s still good! It’s moving. Stick with it as it means you’re on the right track, you’ve touched on a delicate key part of your story, so keep tapping! It’s when the number doesn’t shift at all that you might want to tap on another aspect.

Secondly, writing the number down, and then seeing it dropping, you have physical proof that something is working, and that’s very important for some people. It’s encouraging.

Lastly, when we remove the neural pathway to the problem during a tapping session, it’s very easy to think afterwards, well you know actually it wasn’t that bad to start with. Yes, you feel like that now because the pathway linking that bad emotion to the event has gone, so you just don’t feel it anymore. (The beauty of EFT!) If however you have the before and after numbers, you have the proof and it’ll give you a reason to do more tapping on other issues.

OK, let’s start doing some tapping and see if we can release some of this anxiety.

We’re going to start with the setup statement, so tap gently on the side of your hand with two to three fingers of your dominant hand, and repeat after me but again, feel free to change the words with your own if mine don’t resonate with you.

Even though I feel this anxiety in my body, I deeply and completely soothe and comfort myself.

Even though I feel anxious and it’s not a good feeling, I deeply and completely soothe and comfort myself.

Even though I feel all this anxiety in my body and I don’t feel like I’m in a good place, I deeply and completely soothe and comfort myself.

Now let’s tap on the meridian points and voice the problem.

EB: This anxiety

SE: I feel so scared

UE: I’m scared of the known

UN: And I’m scared of the Unknown

Ch: All these anxious feelings

CB: All this anxiety in my body

UB: I’m saturated with anxiety

UA: It’s exhausting

TH: These feelings are overwhelming

EB: But I need to hold onto them

SE: And not let my guard down

UE: I need to be vigilant

UN: I need to be aware

Ch: And ready for something

CB: Ready for something bad

UB: Ready for the worst

UA: This fear feels so uncomfortable

TH: This fear is conditioning my life

EB: I hate this feeling

SE: I just want to escape

UE: And get out of here

UN: I have good reason to feel like this

Ch: I can’t ignore that

CB: I mustn’t ignore that

UB: I don’t feel safe

UA: I’m not safe

TH: I have my reasons

EB: I have anxiety about the past

SE: I have anxiety about the future

UE: All those ‘what ifs’ and worst scenarios

UN: It’s like a program constantly running in my mind

Ch: It’s keeping me vigilant

CB: It’s keeping me aware

UB: It’s making sure I remember

UA: I must not relax

TH: Nor let my guard down

EB: This anxiety is here for a reason

SE: It is protecting me

UE: But it isn’t protecting me

UN: It’s actually dragging me down

Ch: These feelings are exhausting

CB: Do I really need this constant reminder?

UB: Yes, I do!

UA: No, maybe I don’t

TH: I don’t know!

EB: All I know is I’m full of anxiety

SE: My cells are saturated with it

UE: It’s in my DNA

UN: It’s part of me

Ch: It’s who I am

CB: I am fear

UB: I am anxiety

UA: We are one

TH: Who would I be without them?

EB: Maybe these feelings just want to be heard

SE: Maybe my body just wants me to stop and listen

UE: I’m listening!

UN: My body loves me

Ch: My subconscious only wants to help

CB: That’s its job

UB: To protect me

UA: Sometimes it has to shout to be heard

TH: Not anymore, because I’m listening

EB: Maybe I can begin to quieten my internal fears

SE: Maybe I can begin to let go of this crippling anxiety

UE: Maybe I can connect to peace

UN: And tap into some stillness and calm

Ch: Maybe I can be present in the now

CB: And notice just how good that feels

UB: Maybe I can do that

UA: Yes, maybe I can

TH: I can be open to that

EB: But if I let go of the anxiety

SE: Does that mean I have to forgive and forget?

UE: Because I’m not doing that!

UN: No way!

Ch: Why should I?

CB: I’d rather hold onto the anxiety

UB: Than let go of the past

UA: You can’t just undo things

TH: You can’t just erase the past!

EB: I need to hold onto the anxiety

SE: Even if I really don’t like how it makes me feel

UE: It’s my reminder

UN: To not let my guard down

Ch: This anxiety

CB: Is my bodyguard

UB: Looking after me

UA: Protecting me

TH: I wouldn’t be safe without it

EB: But aren’t bodyguards supposed to make you feel better?

SE: Shouldn’t I feel more relaxed?

UE: Maybe this anxiety/bodyguard is out of control

UN: Maybe it’s the anxiety/bodyguard that’s giving me anxiety!

Ch: Maybe I’m anxious about being anxious!

CB: Anxiety on top of anxiety

UB: It’s exhausting….

UA: I really need a new perspective on this

TH: I really need some new ideas

EB: It would be so good to feel a bit better

SE: I’m tired of feeling anxious all the time

UE: Maybe I can let go of some of this anxiety

UN: Maybe I can just give it a try

Ch: It doesn’t mean I’m being careless

CB: It doesn’t mean I’m forgiving and forgetting

UB: I deserve some peace of mind

UA: I deserve to feel calm

TH: I deserve to live my life

EB: So I choose to give it a go

SE: And release this feeling from my body

UE: I give it permission to leave

UN: Right here, right now, I’m OK

Ch: Right here, right now, I’m safe

CB: I choose to let go of anxious feelings

UB: I choose to feel lighter

UA: I embrace peace and calm

TH: I embrace life

Now rest your hands on your chest and take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth

Slow your breathing down

Breathe in to the count of 5

And out to the count of 5

Now focus on your heart

Breathe into it and really feel it opening up

Think of somewhere, someone or something that makes you feel good or you feel grateful for

Feel that gratitude

Breathe it straight into your heart

And now imagine a beautiful ball of bright white-yellow light

The light of transformation, love, peace and healing

Feel this warm light throughout your body

Passing through every single cell

Feel its positive energy

Gently envelope any remaining fear and anxiety

And lovingly release them, into this ball of light

And notice as they transform into peace

Really thank yourself for taking the time to do this inner work.

Feel the gratitude. Feel the love.

Say out loud or in your mind, thank you, and really mean it.

It’s such a powerful word.

Thank you.

When you’re ready, open your eyes and have a drink of water.

Shake your hands and arms and legs as if you’re shaking off any old feelings you shed during this tapping meditation.

Just give your body a good old shake.

How are you feeling now?

Do you feel lighter than when you started?

Check back into that number of intensity you made note of at the beginning of the audio.

Has it changed? Hopefully it will have gone down considerably.

If however you’re still feeling some remaining anxiety, go back and tune into your body again.

Has the anxiety moved or changed in anyway?

And most important of all, what thoughts or feelings came up while you were tapping?

Remember, we are working on layers, peeling them back one by one, so whatever surfaced is probably what you will need to tap on next.

Go back, do a new set up and go through the tapping points while you voice the problem.

Keep tapping and have a lovely, peaceful day!

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