The Near Death Experience Guided Meditation Program by iAwake

near death experience guided meditation

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​Whoever has experienced near-death, knows how gracious, it is to be alive. – Lailah Gifty Akita

Death is the great unknown.

Many cultures believe that there is some type of afterlife, but our focus should be on how we can tap into the joy of being alive.

Near-death experiences provide us with stories of the beyond.

It is only fair to be skeptical of such a program if such an event has never happened to you.

There are moments when time stands still as you contemplate the gap between what is this life and what might come next.

When people reach a state of being near death, then some commonalities stretch across the continuum.

Most people say that they felt an overwhelming love during those moments. There is a clarity of purpose that occurs when you begin the recovery process.

iAwake has partnered with Jonathan Robinson to create a transformative program which features their unique brainwave entrainment technology.

Robinson has reached over 100 million people with his messages of happiness and joy, with his practical methods and exercises of self-improvement now offered in almost 50 languages.

The goal of this meditation series is to provide you with a simulated near-death experience in a way that is entirely safe. That way you can wake up to life.

I think it is one of the most powerful guided meditation programs that are available right now.


Preparation Steps for the Near Death Experience Guided Meditation Program

There are some essential preparation steps that you will want to follow when beginning the Near Death Experience Guided Meditation.

As with any form of meditating, you will want to remind yourself why you are choosing to use this program.

Create a goal for yourself, and then set a path that will allow you to stride forward to achieve it.

Then you will want to incorporate these additional preparation steps to be ready for what occurs during this guided meditation program from iAwake Technologies.

1. Be sure to create a sacred space when following this program. You will want to eliminate all potential distractions.

2. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare and recover before using this program.

3. Make yourself comfortable in your safe space. Use headphones if you can because the stereo experience will create more depth and impact to the overall experience.

4. Have a pen or pencil and a journal nearby so that you can write down any insights that you may have during the program.

If you have never experienced a scary situation that could bring you close to death, then there is no way to predict what your emotional state will be after going through this meditation program.

It may be helpful to keep some supplies ready, such as a box of tissues.

Having some water or a sports drink available in your sacred space could be helpful as well.

You can also pause the experience if it becomes too challenging for you.

Go at your own pace, but do not lose your diligence when addressing the issues that may arise with this program.

When you commit to the experience with an open mind, then there will be less resistance getting in your way.

Then remember to follow the instructions as Robinson offers them.

Review of the Near Death Experience


When you begin this program from iAwake, you will start to contemplate your death.

Over 3,000 people die from automotive accidents every day around the world. What feels secure today may be gone tomorrow.Robinson starts this program by having you think about having just 8 minutes left to live your life.

Then he encourages you to think about what you are most proud of in life. Try to picture it in your mind.

Then you will be asked to think about the decisions that you regret the most. Are there people that you wish to have gotten to know better?

Imagine that you can tell people anything. What would you say since your life is going to end soon?

Unlike other forms of meditation, this program from iAwake is not intended to be comforting or relaxing.

There could be moments that are frightening, uncomfortable, or shocking. The goal is to help you grow as a person.

If you can maintain an open mind with this experience, then the Near Death Experience Guided Meditation Program can help you achieve a fuller, more purposeful life.

What Are the Treasures of Life That You Will Miss?

One of the traditions of human history is to go through the burial process with some of your most significant treasures by your side.

Families still bury their loved ones with wedding rings, pictures, and favorite trinkets as a way to commemorate a life well lived.

These are not the treasures of life.

Robinson encourages you to look beyond the everyday experience to focus on what our planet offers.

What are your favorite places to visit? What did you feel like when you saw the mountains or the ocean for the first time?

During the meditation session, you receive encouragement to say goodbye to all of these favorite things for one last time.

Up until this point, the meditation program from iAwake doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

Then Robinson asks you to start saying goodbye to all of the family and friends who have loved you for some time.

Picture each person in your mind, and then offer them one final farewell as you contemplate what lies beyond what we know in this universe.

Picturing a spouse, your children, parents, and the other significant people in your life to offer your final words, even in simulation, is an emotionally challenging experience.

You will eventually be asked to let go of everything to enter the void. Robinson encourages you to float in a sea of awareness. What thoughts can you pick out during this state?

There is one essential statement that comes during this phase of the program: life is a gift, and you can do what you want with it. How will you choose to spend your life?

There are three questions that you will be asked at the end of this meditation.

The answers that you have to them will become the foundation of how you can start to change your life right now?

What Happens After the Near Death Experience?

Once you make it through the guided meditation experience of having a near death experience, it is essential to incorporate the lessons and insights that you received into your life somehow.

Robinson encourages you to journal your answers since there can be intuitive information that comes up during the guided meditation process.

You can also ask yourself the questions posed during the Near Death Experience Guided Meditation Program from iAwake at any time.

If you need to stop the program to begin journaling, then do it. You will find the process to be highly rewarding!

Then you receive encouragement to incorporate the wisdom gleaned from your meditation session into your daily life routines.

It becomes a powerful moment because Robinson encourages you to set more than sentimental or unrealistic goals.

You are asked to make real, tangible changes in your life.

If you bring in a trusted family member or friend to hold you accountable to them, then you will be more likely to accomplish the goals and dreams that bring you closer to what are the most critical elements of your life.

These changes don’t just happen in your mind.

The guided meditation asks you to use tangible tools, such as writing your own obituary, to begin examining where you are currently in life.

These exercises help you to see where you are, how you’ve been, and where you might be if you’re unwilling to make changes in your life.

Are you satisfied with the answers? Or is it time to start creating a new definition for how your life will be remembered one day?

My Reaction to the Near Death Experience Guided Meditation Program


When I first encountered this program, my skepticism levels were exceptionally high.

I’ve used many of the iAwake meditation and brainwave entrainment sessions in the past and found them to be useful, even enjoyable.

Having never been in a near death experience myself, the idea of simulating it seemed almost humorous.

Then the program began. I followed Robinson’s instructions with an open mind, and the emotional reaction I had to the experience even from the very beginning was shocking because of how severe it was.

Most of us have gone through exercises in the past that help us to identify our proudest moments and the ones we regret the most.

The goal is usually to focus on what we want in life and then to avoid the choices that take us away from the people we wish to be.

Where I really struggled with the guided meditation was the moment where Robinson asks you to start saying goodbye.

The idea of picturing your favorite places, pets, and people to tell them one last farewell was much more stressful than I thought it would be.

The brainwave entrainment in the background adds to the stress levels you experience too.

It felt like I was out-of-sync with the rest of the world at that moment, although I suppose that is the ultimate purpose behind this process.

It continues to build until the guided meditation has you simulate your death to embrace the mystery of what lies beyond this life.

Then a change occurs, and you feel like there is a massive release of tension, sadness, and pain.

I felt like it was easier to let go of all of the complicated emotions that were holding me back from what I wanted in life.

Now I’m not going to share the questions or my answers at the end of the program, but I can say that I found value in the process.

I really appreciated the fact that there are practical exercises you can follow to turn insights into reality.

You can perform this meditation every day if you wish. I see this program as a powerful way to keep your life on track.

Death might come calling at any time, so living life to its fullest must be our priority.

That is why I appreciate the Near Death Experience Guided Meditation Program.

It feels like you get an opportunity to push the reset button on life.

I encourage you to try this program today to see how it could alter your perspective.

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