7 Meditation Colors & Their Meanings [Do You See Them?]

Learn about the 7 meditation chakra colors and their meanings, including red for the root chakra, orange for the sacral chakra, yellow for the solar plexus chakra, green for the heart chakra, blue for the throat chakra, indigo/purple for the third eye chakra, and violet/white for the crown chakra. 

Seeing these colors during meditation can indicate healing and balance in different parts of the body.

Do you ever see colors and lights during meditation while your eyes are closed?

If you do, you should know that it’s nothing strange, it’s normal and many people experience the same. These are so called “meditation chakra colors”.

Yogis claim that the colors that you see are related to the chakras in your body.

It is believed that your energy centers, i.e. chakras which are associated with different colors can be affected, stimulated by meditation and then you can experience “colorful visions” or “color explosions”.

But why do you see these colors in the first place? Does it mean you have a third eye?

There’s a theory which says that probably one of your chakras has been unblocked. It can also mean that one of your chakras is creating too much energy and needs to be balanced. Or maybe you’re just energetically sensitive, more than other people who never see any colors during meditation.

On the other hand some people claim that this happens when you meditate frequently and deeply.

What colors you see during meditation is often dependent on your mood and state of mind. Actually seeing colors during meditation is a good sign and it means that your body is healing. It is considered to be a healing experience.

Because one color is associated with a particular chakra in the body that is why when you see it, it means that healing takes place in a specific part of your body.

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You can see loads of different colors while meditating, but in this article I’m going to focus on just 7 of them:

Red (root chakra)

Orange (spleen/sacral chakra)

Yellow (solar plexus chakra)

Green (heart chakra)

Blue (throat chakra)

Indigo/Purple (third eye chakra)

Violet/White (crown chakra)


This color represents the root chakra.

What does it mean when you see the color red during meditation?

The root chakra keeps us grounded and it connects us to Mother Earth and to our life and reality. When this chakra is blocked you may have problems with money, career and finding your place in life. You may feel anxiety.  

When you see red during meditation it’s quite possible that you feel an urge to do something with your life, to take action.

It’s because red is associated with our physical needs with our willingness to survive. Red may provide energy and stimulate our life force.

Red is also linked with love and sexuality so seeing this color may imply that your body is experiencing lust or passion.


This color represents the sacral chakra.

What does it mean when you see the color orange during meditation?

It is believed that the sacral chakra has an influence on your reproductive organs and is connected with your creative and sexual energy.

If you’re experiencing low sex drive or you’re dissatisfied with your sex life then you need to cleanse this chakra.

This color is associated with warmth, love, compassion, happiness and enjoyment. It’s a very optimistic color. It’s got spirit-lifting qualities. Orange is also linked with adventure, creativity and curiosity.   

When your sacral chakra is balanced and you see this color during your meditation practice it could mean that you’re very optimistic about your life and everything that is going on around you.

It could also indicate that you’re experiencing great creativity.


This color represents the solar plexus chakra.

What does it mean when you see the color yellow during meditation?

Yellow is associated with your sense of self-esteem and ego. When the solar plexus chakra is balanced then your self-confidence is high and you feel alive. This chakra is connected with your inner potential and internal power.

So when you see yellow while meditating it may indicate that you trust yourself, you’re in a great physical shape and you feel strong.

Yellow is also the color linked with intellect. Seeing yellow while meditating can mean that your soul is trying to solve a problem.   

Being afraid, feeling stress or stagnation indicates that this chakra is blocked.    



This color represents the heart chakra.

What does it mean when you see the color green during meditation?

First of all green is associated with self-growth, balance and harmony.

When the heart chakra is balanced – and when you see the color green while meditating it means –  you’re full of love, you have better control over your emotions and you accept people for who they are.

However when this chakra is imbalanced or blocked from pain or trauma, seeing the color green may indicate that you’re lonely and isolated.

The heart chakra is linked with compassion, forgiveness and inner peace.

This color has the ability to create harmony between your head and your heart for this reason it brings balance to your life.  

The color green may represent endurance and stability and symbolizes abundance.   

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This color represents the throat chakra.

What does it mean when you see the color blue during meditation?

It is believed that the throat chakra helps in the flow of energy between top of the head and our body and the color blue that represents your throat chakra is often associated with calmness and truth.

Seeing this color during meditation is supposed to relieve tension and anxiety giving a sense of calm.

This is the color that aids in physical and mental relaxation thus introducing peace to your life.

If you often don’t speak your truth then this chakra may be blocked in you.


These colors represent the third eye chakra.    

What does it mean when you see the color indigo/purple during meditation?

The third eye chakra is known as “the seat of intuition”.

This chakra is the center of wisdom and higher consciousness. The third eye chakra provides us with insights. Thanks to it we gain deeper understanding of everything around us.

In many cultures it is thought that the third eye has clairvoyance powers.

When you see the color indigo or purple during meditation it means that you’re spiritually awakened and gained inner peace and wisdom. It indicates that you’re connecting with your higher self, you’re activating your third eye and you’re deeply concentrated.


These colors represent the crown chakra.

What does it mean when you see violet or white during meditation?

The crown chakra that is located at the top of our head connects us to source energy and is associated with intuition.

This chakra is represented by the colors violet and white. Violet is associated with spirituality, self-reflection and self-awareness and white with innocence, purity, perfection.

Seeing violet during meditation could mean that you feel connection with the whole universe and all beings.  

Violet or white by connecting us to our higher selves can help us in our meditation practice and seeing these colors may indicate that you’re meditating deeply or experiencing a higher state of consciousness and awareness.

Seeing white light during meditation may indicate that a new and powerful spiritual energy has got into your aura. Seeing this light is linked with the activation of the pineal gland which is associated with the third eye chakra.    

However if the crown chakra is imbalanced or blocked then you can experience negative emotions like for example anxiety or stress.



When you see colors or lights for the first time during meditation you may be perplexed as to what they mean and if it’s normal to experience something like this.

But remember that when people meditate they experience different feelings, different thoughts and see different things. So it’s also completely normal to see lights or colors.

You just need to learn how to interpret these colors properly – they may tell you something interesting about yourself, about your life, and your physical and mental health.  

And if you’re a big fan of meditation consider checking out the articles below:

1. Guided Meditation on Gratitude 

2. Morning Meditation Tips 

3. How Long Should You Meditate Each Day? 

4. Heart Chakra Affirmations 

5. Crown Chakra Affirmations  

6. What Does It Mean to Have a Blue Aura
Best Colors For Your Meditation Room

There are several colors that are commonly recommended for a meditation room. According to mindfulzen.co, the best colors for a meditation room are:

Plum (Dark Purple)

On the other hand, color-meanings.com suggests that the best colors for a meditation room are white, faint blue, and pale yellow. 

According to thespruce.com, the best colors for a meditation space using Feng Shui are earthy and muted tones such as beige, tan, taupe, and soft gray.

Additionally, homescopes.com recommends dark grey, light grey, green, and blue as soothing meditation room colors. 

Ultimately, the best colors for a meditation room depend on personal preferences, the intended mood, and the individual's cultural and spiritual beliefs.

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