Repeating affirmations helps to reprogram your subconscious mind. Thanks to them you can change your thoughts and as a result change your behavior.
But is it enough to just repeat them mindlessly every day? Of course not! This is not how it works.
First of all you should always believe in the affirmations that you’re saying. Each affirmation that you repeat should evoke positive feelings in you. You should feel that what you’re saying is true and will soon manifest in your life or is already manifesting.
In this case you need to believe that it’s possible for you to get your ex back.
One of the exercises that can support your affirmations and make them more effective is visualization. After saying an affirmation try to visualize in your mind that what you’re saying is happening. Feel the emotions that this visualization and affirmation evoke.
Or you can just practice visualization first for 5-10 minutes and then proceed to saying affirmations. Just remember about an emotional weight that these affirmations and visualizations should carry with themselves.
Visualization works best when you can visualize the end result. Try to imagine how you’re going to feel once you have your ex back.

What else can you do to make your affirmations more powerful?
Stay positive and be confident that you can get what you want. So, if in this case you want your ex back, try not to have any doubts that you can do it! You can attract your ex back!
Take action. Don’t just visualize and repeat affirmations, but do something so that your ex has a chance to notice you.
Trust that the Universe will help you get what you desire. Believe in yourself and in your abilities.
Be patient and don’t give up. Everything takes time and it’s the same with affirmations.
If you keep your thoughts and feelings on what you desire for a long time, the chances that it will manifest in your life increase.
This is how the law of attraction works.
And the last thing, try to create your own affirmations instead of using the ones below.
It’s important that the affirmations you repeat resonate with you and refer specifically to the situation in your life.
You don’t need to create 10, 20 or 30 of them. Just 5 should be enough and then repeat them every day to make them sink into your subconscious mind.
Without further ado, let’s check out the affirmations.

1. I made mistakes in the past but I have changed for the better. 2. My ex knows that the Universe wants us to be together gain. 3. I am very lucky that I have found my soul mate. 4. This time it’s going to work out! 5. I am ready for a new relationship with you. 6. We suit to each other. We should be together. 7. You’re the source of my everyday happiness. 8. I am grateful that my ex is present in my life again. 9. The joy of being in love with you again makes my heart beat faster. 10. It’s easier and easier for me to communicate with my ex. 11. Reuniting with my ex will have a very positive impact on my life. 12. My ex senses that I fell in love with him/her again. 13. I’ve learnt to listen to people and respect their opinions more. 14. I leave our past in the past and focus only on our future together. 15. I am in a fulfilling and joyous relationship with my ex who truly loves me. 16. I am very grateful that you’re present in my life and I’m joyful that I can begin a new relationship with you again. 17. This is going to be a happy and fulfilling relationship. 18. I am very grateful for another chance to start a new chapter of our lives together. 19. I am sure my ex wants to get back to me. 20. I really appreciate it that you want to give me another chance. 21. My ex accepts me as I am and we want to be with each other again. 22. I trust that things are heading in the right direction. 23. I appreciate my ex much more now than in the past. 24. Now when you’re back in my life again I feel that all of my dreams have come true. 25. I will get reunited with my ex sooner than expected. 26. Each day I’m attracting miracles into my life. 27. I am sure now that you’re the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. 28. I am happy that you’re back in my life again. 29. I love the way you look at me! 30. I have realized that my ex is the true love of my life. 31. My heart wants to love you again. 32. My ex is the love of my life. 33. My ex knows that I am determined and serious about our relationship. 34. My ex and I feel good around each other. 35. My ex is ready to give me another chance. 36. I am ready to sacrifice a lot to be with you. 37. We’re both focused on rebuilding our relationship. 38. Now is the perfect time to be together again! 39. I am grateful to you for your help in the past. 40. I am hopeful and full of love for my ex. 41. Our relationship is growing stronger every day! 42. Whatever I want and need comes to me easily and effortlessly. 43. Me and my ex are getting back together. 44. We are made for each other. 45. You are the person I want to share my life with forever. 46. I will never let you leave me again. 47. I am determined to make it all work again. 48. I am sure that my ex is thinking about me too. 49. I am finally ready to tell my ex how I feel about our relationship. 50. Each day I’m more and more confident that I will get my ex back. 51. I am certain our love will last forever. 52. I fell in love with you again and this time it’s for real. 53. This time I’m going to take care of our relationship much better. 54. I’ve already forgiven you everything that happened in the past. It’s time for a new beginning. 55. I am grateful that you gave me a second chance. 56. I feel safe and calm when you’re near me. 57. We are meant to be together. The universe wants it. 58. Our relationship is beautiful and I welcome it with open arms. 59. I’ve grown up. I’m ready for a meaningful relationship. 60. I believe in myself. I can get what I want. 61. I want to be yours again because you’re the love of my life. 62. I am very happy that I have found you. 63. We complement each other and bring out the best in each other. 64. I’m getting out of life what I want. 65. I have no doubts that I can get my ex back. 66. You are one of the best things that happened in my life. 67. I am determined to get my ex back at all costs. 68. My life is better when you’re present in it! 69. I can’t wait to see what the future will bring for both of us. 70. I am very positive about life and my future together with my ex. 71. I am ready to share my life with you again. 72. I’m more honest with myself and others and I’m ready to admit my faults.
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