What Is Loving Kindness Meditation and Why You Should Start the Practice

what is loving kindness

By practicing meditation we establish love, compassion, sympathetic joy & equanimity as our home.― Sharon Salzberg, Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness What we know as loving kindness meditation was originally known as metta bhavana. This name literally translates to “love cultivation.” This form of meditation is more than just something to practice. It is … Read more

Meditation and Music [10 Things You Should Know]

meditation and music

What is the best meditation music? Should you meditate with music?   Meditation and music are two anti-stress components that seem to naturally fit together. Music is one of the few things in this world that can engage the entire mind at the same time, while meditation is one of the few things that can help … Read more

The Difference Between Self-Hypnosis and Meditation That You Should Know

difference between self hypnosis and meditation

Meditation is a buzz word that is hitting the internet hard these days. Self-hypnosis is also growing in popularity. Although these two disciplines are very similar to each other, there are some key differences that make them quite unique. The difference between self-hypnosis and meditation involves how an individual is able to focus their mind. … Read more

How To Stop Negative (Obsessive) Thoughts: 7 Steps to Success

how to stop obsessive thoughts

Knowing how to stop obsessive thoughts is a skill that can be beneficial in a number of situations. The human mind generates upwards of 20,000 thoughts per day, although many tend to be repetitive. Being able to screen those thoughts to let the positive ones through while eliminating the negative ones can help to stop … Read more

The Scientific Benefits of Meditation And How To Experience Them

scientific benefits of meditation

Meditate daily, and soon your inner strength and mind power will grow. Remez Sasson  For the most part, just because a lot of people are doing something doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do. One of the exceptions to that rule is meditation. More than 30 million people in the US alone are … Read more

How To Overcome Depression Naturally: 13 Ways to Start Feeling Better

how to overcome depression naturally

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. Via mayoclinic.org Severe depression is considered a medical emergency. It should always be treated by a doctor. If you want to know how to overcome depression naturally, then early intervention is the key to finding strength. These methods … Read more

How To Meditate Properly: 15 Useful Tips

how to meditate properly

Meditation might be the practice of focusing your attention on one specific component of life, but how can you do that properly? Is there a “perfect” way to meditate that will help to unlock the mysteries of the universe? If you don’t know how to meditate properly, is it still possible to reduce stress, anxiety, … Read more

How To Increase Serotonin Levels Naturally: 15 Proven Methods

raise serotonin levels

Serotonin levels are important to good health. When they are too low, then it can be difficult to get the right amount of rest every night. Over time, the fatigue begins to build up and affect a person’s overall health. It can also create instability within a person’s mental processes and increase the chances of … Read more

How to Be More Disciplined (Video)

be more self disciplined

    You may also be interested in: 1. Raikov Effect [Everything You Need to Know] 2. Positive Affirmations For Self Confidence 3. Superbrain [Improve Your Memory in 30 Days] 4. Quotes About Strength & Overcoming Fear      

The Benefits of Meditation on the Brain and Reducing Stress

benefits of meditation on the brain

The benefits of meditation on the brain have been studied for over a century. The findings have been rather profound. In just 4 days of regular meditation, people can have lower blood pressure, better happiness, and more resistance to the ravages that stress can leave on the body. The one problem that affects the practice … Read more

What Is Yoga Meditation? Start Pursuing Personal Perfection!

what is yoga meditation

We often think of Yoga and meditation as two separate things, but what would happen if we could combine these two practices together into one centralized practice instead? The result would be Yoga Meditation. By definition, it is the practice of being able to observe, understand, and integrate our individual consciousness with the world that … Read more

What Is Buddhist Meditation And Why You Should Start Meditating!

what is buddhist meditation

Meditation is nothing but a choice, a conscious choice, to change the mind. The practice is designed to help the mind be able to grow, mature, and look at circumstances in different ways. No matter how disciplined a mind might be, meditation can help to create a stronger foundation for the day. Bringing a higher … Read more

What Is Spiritual Meditation: 10 Ways to Reach a Higher Level of Enlightenment

spiritual meditation

What is spiritual meditation? The benefits of meditation have been proven time and time again by clinical research studies. From lower levels of stress to better overall concentration and focus, meditation can help every person maximize their full potential every day. The only problem with most meditation advice, however, is that the physical components of … Read more

Chakras and Their Meanings: A Guide to the Colors of Life

7 chakras colors

Many are interested today in Chakras and their meanings. These centers of spiritual energy are named after the Sanskrit word for “wheel” because that is essentially how they work. The spiritual energy we all have in 7 specific areas will spin to provide a vital component of good health. When the wheel slows down, then … Read more

What is Faster EFT? Try it out and change your life!

What is Faster EFT? Try it out and change your life!

If you’ve ever tried EFT tapping, then you may already know how slow the process can be at times. For severely stressful items, you may find that several tapping cycles may be required in order to achieve the results that you want to see. What Faster EFT does is take a different perspective. Instead of … Read more

Does EFT Tapping Really Work? What are Emotional Freedom Techniques?

Does EFT Tapping Really Work? What are Emotional Freedom Techniques?

Although Gary Craig is credited with the invention of Emotional Freedom Techniques, the ideas that are behind the process of EFT tapping have been around for centuries. It’s a form of accessing the body’s energy, similar to what you’d find with acupuncture, but you won’t find any needles here! You’ll instead find the time-honored method … Read more

What Are Gamma Waves And What are the Benefits of Gamma Waves?

what are gamma waves, benefits of gamma waves

What are gamma waves and should you even care about them? The frequency of these waves is extremely fast and were long ignored not because scientists thought they were unimportant, but because they didn’t realize their ability to relate to important parts of the brain. When you feel truly happy, or maybe have been blessed … Read more


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